JG 26: Photographic History of the

Luftwaffe's Top Guns

Donald Caldwell

"This is a must-have book for anyone interested in modeling the aircraft of the Luftwaffe's Jagdgeschwader 26."
- Park Cable, Amazon.com

This book was intended to be an alternative history of Germany’s most famous fighter wing. Primarily pictorial, it contains 350 black-and-white photos of JG 26 aircraft, men, and scenes, all with informative, painstakingly-researched captions. Three-fourths of the photos are from private collections and have not been published previously; the remaining one-fourth (mainly Bundesarchiv shots of superb quality) are equally interesting owing to their relevance and their accurate captions. The book contains a 5500-word capsule history of the unit written to complement the photo captions, and a 6000-word chapter covering camouflage and markings. The book also contains twenty-four color profiles of representative JG 26 aircraft and sixteen paintings of unit and personal badges by Chris Thomas. JG 26 was the only Luftwaffe unit to fly every model of every German single-engine prop-driven fighter, and all of these aircraft can now be illustrated and modeled accurately in JG 26 markings.

Selected Reviews:


“This is a must-have book for anyone interested in modeling the aircraft of the Luftwaffe’s Jagdgeschwader 26. Packed with black-and-white photographs of the aircraft and crews in combat and at rest, it provides the details one is looking for when attempting to accurately model a specific aircraft. It contains interesting, if brief, text passages about JG 26, along with 24 color profile plates. [One chapter] is dedicated entirely to textual descriptions of camouflage and markings used by the Gruppen throughout the war. Also of interest are numerous photographs fond throughout the book proving that while war is indeed hell, it has its lighter moments too!” — Park Cable, amazon.com

This book is out of print, but can be located by on-line services such as AbeBooks

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